Whole Hearted Productions

Call us Toll Free at:  855-WHProAV (855-947-7628)

Whole Hearted Productions is a DBA of Whole Hearted Pro AV LLC ROC 325515

Serving Southern Arizona from Casa Grande to Sierra Vista

including the  Tucson Metropolitan Area

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Why hire a sound system or AV consultant?

In a day when you can buy almost anything from Amazon, why should you consider working with a consultant?

Excellent question!

When you are considering investing your congregation’s hard-earned investment into your ministry and the Kingdom of God, it makes sense to do that wisely.  But not every congregation is blessed with a technical director who spends their every waking moment keeping up with all of the trends, skills and knowledge necessary to make those decisions wisely.  And then, if you do get the equipment from Amazon, who is going to install, tune, and optimize it so that your church can fully benefit from your new investment?  And finally, who is going to train your volunteer Tech crew so that you can effectively get the most out of your equipment on a weekly basis? 

For all of these reasons, hiring a consultant can be a very wise investment.  Whole Hearted Productions has grown up in Churches and understands the concept of a budget while at the same time, we have a passion to see your church achieve the highest level of technical excellence possible within your means.  We look forward to working with you!

Some of the services we can provide include the following:

  • Troubleshooting and tuning your sound system and often making serious improvements with the equipment you already own
  • Designing and installing small to medium sized sound systems including digital (or analog) soundboards, speakers, speaker processing, and digital snakes
  • Sales and installation.  We are licensed dealers for a wide variety of audio and visual equipment from a large number of brands
  • Training. We developed a sound Seminar that covers the basics of sound and also provides hands on training
  • Video Projectors and screens. We can help you determine what size and type of screen or projector will work best for your church, and then provide, install and tune your new video system

Click here to see  how we can help you with your church sound system.

This article about things to consider when looking for a new soundboard illustrates why consultants can be a good investment.

Click here to see a discussion of several popular soundboards often used in the average small to medium sized church.

How much will it cost?

Obviously, every project is different, but here are some general guidelines:

First Visit

Theorietically up to 30 minutes often lasts longer).  Some exceptions apply depending upon distance and nature of call.


Minimum Visit Fee

includes up to 2 hours of time


Additional Hourly rate


Mileage Charge (more than 30 miles)


(one way)